Low Cost, High Quality, Negative and Slide Scanning Services
I specialize in Hasselblad XPan and all film scanning! As a dedicated film photographer using 8×10, 4×5, medium format, and 35mm film, I have accumulated a number of scanners which make my workflow much easier while also being able to produce the highest quality scans. I am now offering these developing and scanning (and soon fine art printing) services to you.
For easy referencing, use the URL http://xpanscanning.com to reach this page.
We now also offer the highest quality B&W fine art printing, see https://richardman.photo/bw-and-color-fine-art-printing-service/

- Bulk Scanning:
- 35mm mounted slides
- Unmounted slide film and other 35mm film, in normal “full frame” format or XPan panoramic format
- High quality scans of: 35mm (including XPan), medium format, 617, 4×5, and 8×10 film
- Contact sheet scans of medium format film
- B&W and C41 development of: 35mm, 120/220, 4×5, and 8×10 film
Bulk scan your collection, then select the images you wish to make high quality scans of. Best of both worlds!
Bulk scanned images are perfect for web display, and even for making quality letter-size prints. Mounted slides are scanned using a PowerSlide 3650 with optical 3600DPI resolution. 35mm film is scanned using a Pakon F335 with optical 2100DPI resolution.
High quality images are suitable for large prints, and are scanned with a Hasselblad Imacon 848 Flextight scanner with 6300 DPI (35mm), 3200 DPI (medium format), and 2040DPI (4×5). The Flextight scans are the highest quality scan one can make without resorting to drum scanning (which costs $140-$200 or more per scan), and the difference between a Flextight image and a drum scanned image is minor, even more so for 35mm/medium formats. High quality XPan scans with Flextight can be used for 6 foot wide prints!!
Note: Be very wary of flatbed scanners claiming a “high DPI resolution”. For example, while the Epson V7xx/8xx scanners claims 6000+ DPI, their true optical resolution are much lower; somewhere between 2200-2400. As good as flatbed scanners are, their quality simply cannot compare to the Flextight scanner.
For 35mm, XPan, and medium format, the Flextight produces much higher quality scans than even the Nikon LS-9000 (with a glass carrier, it is considered one of the best prosumer scanners), let alone flatbed scanners.
See my blog on scanning “dense negatives” here: http://richardman.photo/2019/10/the-negative-is-the-score/
Medium Format Contact Sheets. While I don’t offer a fast/bulk scan option for 120/220 medium format film, I do offer “contact sheet” scan with the Epson V700 flatbed scanner. You will receive the contact sheet JPG via email and can determine whether you want high resolution scans for any of the frames. See below for samples.
8×10 print and film scanning: I usually scan my 8×10 negatives at 1800 DPI on the Epson V750 scanner. This is good enough for printing a mural 😉
Bulk scans: full resolution files in JPG, plus reduced files of 1000 pixels (long side) for web display.
High quality scans: full resolution files in TIFF, plus reduced files of 1000 pixels (long side) for web display. Minor dust removal also included.
Image files will be available to download from our server (not on a public cloud such as Dropbox). DVD / CD / thumb drive extra.
Extra Services
Major dust removal, major color correction and other post processing work possible on an hourly rate basis of $50/hour with 15-minutes increments.
4800×3600 | ||
Bulk 35mm film | 3000×2000 | $10/roll |
Bulk XPan | 5500×2000 | $10/roll |
High Quality 35mm | 9000×6000 | $10 |
High Quality XPan | 16000×6000 | $15 |
High Quality 6×6 MF | 6900×6900 | $12 |
High Quality 6×7/6×9 | 7100×6900 | $12 |
High Quality 612/617 | 21000×6900 | $18 |
High Quality 4×5 | 7500×6900 | $18 |
MF Contact Sheet / 8×10 / Prints | 1200-2400 DPI | $4 |
Basic auto exposure and auto white balance and basic color restoration are included in this service. Bulk scans use automatic dust removal using hardware based “digital ICE” for color negatives and non-Kodachrome slides (not available for B&W and Kodachrome). High quality scans use software based dust removal for all film types.
Return postage is $10 USPS Priority Mail.
Confirm Service Price above before clicking this button to pay via PayPal. Enter Price and Quantity on the PayPal form. PayPal account is not required.
Payment must be made in advance via Paypal.
Credit card is also available.
Paypal to richard@richardman.photo
See PayPal button box to Buy Now.
Customers pay return shipping.
Turnaround Time
Usually one week.
See my work on Facebook and Instagram under richardmanphoto.
Richard Man
ImageCraft Scanning
2625 Middlefield Rd, #685
Palo Alto, CA 94306
By obtaining film development or scanning services from Richard Man / ImageCraft, you agree to the following terms:
Richard will take all reasonable care in handling and processing (developing or scanning) your films. You shall not hold Richard responsible for any damage, regardless of whether this occurs by accident or through negligence. In case of damage incurred while the film is in Richard’s possession, the maximum value of replacement cost offered will be $5 per roll (135, 120), or per 4 sheets of 4×5. Richard is not responsible for any film lost or damaged by mailing services, and in such cases no replacement shall be given.
Thank you, and I look forward to be working with you!
Customer Images
David Wing is a Guggenheim Fellow, I scanned a lot of his negatives initially, using the Flextight 848 scanner. Due to his large volume of body of work, he has since gotten his own Flextight X1 scanner. You can see some of his work here: https://www.mixeddocuments.net/
Steve Brush, a professor at UC Davis sent me his prized negatives from his research trip to Peru in 1970/1971, and he finally was able to make a website based on the images. I am glad to be able to help with the project! These photos are scanned using the fast Pakon scanner:
Image Samples
Click any image to view enlargements.

This is a high quality scan of a 35mm Provia 400 slide I took in 2004.
The full size is ~8800×6000 or about 50 megapixels. Of course scan resolution is not the same as digital megapixels but this should hold up well against 14-20 MP digital cameras.
Click to see Full Size Image (60MB – not recommended for mobile users)
Close up-Detail (1200×900 – 50% full size)

Bulk Scan: 35mm Kodachrome Slide from 1970s

Bulk Scan: 35mm B&W film from 2005

Bulk Scan: XPan 2014

High Quality Scan: XPan

High Quality Scan: Medium Format

High Quality Scan: 4×5

‘Contact Sheet’ for Medium Format
If you want to check out the full size scan of an XPan image, email me at richard@richardman.photo and I will send you a link to the download the file.