It’s Hugo nomination time again (ballots must be submitted by March 9th 2024). If you are a WSFS member of the Chengdu 2023 Worldcon (this also includes EVERYONE who voted in the DC site selection) or the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon, you are eligible to nominate.
The information is available from the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon website.
In 2023, I became the first photographer to win a Hugo in the Best Fan Artist category. I am also the only second Hong Konger to have won a Hugo (* both of these claims are “as far as I know” *), but you should not judge my work from the awards, you should judge them on their own merits.
What is it? Since 2014, I have embarked on two portrait projects with large format film camera that are genre related:
1) Worldbuilders of Science Fiction and Fantasy – portraits of genre creators
2) For the Love of the Art / Cosplay Transformation – portraits of costumers and cosplayers
Taking photos in a 4×5 camera is laborious process that doesn’t always come out, but when it does – what glorious capture. In 2023, I have done in-person exhibition at the Nebulas, the Winnipeg NASFiC, and Loscon of my projects. I even took my 20 lbs camera setup to across the border to Winnipeg and to Chengdu China, to take photographs of the genre creators there. I wasn’t sure the film could survive the airport X-rays (especially in China), but they did OK.
The work is ongoing. I am working on a book of the Worldbuilders project this year. To be available by the 2nd half of 2024.
I hope you value my work and my dedication to the art. If so, please consider me when you fill in the nomination ballots. Thank you. Here are some of the photos I have taken of the genre creators in 2023. For more photos and information, please see the link to the project page here.